Many managers would say that incivility is wrong, but not all recognize that it has tangible costs. Targets of incivility often punish their offenders and the organization, although most hide or bury their feelings and don’t necessarily think of their actions as revenge. Through a poll of 800 managers and employees in 17 industries, we learned how people’s reactions play out. Among workers who’ve been on the receiving end of incivility: Please remember the following statistics:

The Costs of Incivility

- 48% intentionally decreased their work effort.

- 47% intentionally decreased the time spent at work.

- 38% intentionally decreased the quality of their work.

- 80% lost work time worrying about the incident.

- 63% lost work time avoiding the offender.

- 66% said that their performance declined.

- 78% said that their commitment to the organization declined.

- 12% said that they left their job because of the uncivil treatment.

- 25% admitted to taking their frustration out on customers.

(The University of Michigan)

It’s time to get serious about incivility in the workplace.

Incivility in the workplace can have many negative consequences for individuals and organizations:

  • Individuals

    Incivility can negatively affect an individual's physical and psychological well-being and reduce their creativity, motivation, focus, commitment, and job satisfaction. It can also lead to increased stress levels, health problems, increased absenteeism, and lower achievement.

  • Organizations

    Incivility can lead to undesirable outcomes, such as decreased productivity, increased turnover, and performance declines. It can also lead to people taking their frustration out on customers, team spirit deterioration, and customers turning away. 

Welcome to the Gateway of NeuroPerformance Synthesis (NPS) Strategy.

In an era where personal and professional demands continually escalate, NPS emerges as a groundbreaking fusion of behavioral science, industrial-organizational psychology, and performance optimization techniques. It's a comprehensive and adaptable framework that merges my innovative Effort Mindset and EPASS strategy with the latest in behavioral and organizational research.

NPS is designed to rise to the challenge of an ever-evolving world, providing transformative solutions for a range of professionals, from corporate leaders to educators and athletes. At its core, NPS leverages behavioral patterns and organizational dynamics, fostering learning, growth, and peak performance.

Rooted in evidence-based research and driven by a commitment to excellence, NPS is a journey into the heart of human potential. It's about turning research into actionable strategies, each step a leap towards unlocking the fullest extent of our capabilities.

This is more than a strategy; it's a journey of empowerment and achievement, meticulously designed to help you realize your full potential. Step into the world of NeuroPerformance Synthesis and embrace the future of personal and professional excellence.

  • In an era defined by relentless evolution and competition, the pursuit of personal and professional excellence is paramount. The NeuroPerformance Synthesis (NPS) Strategy emerges as a pioneering approach, integrating the profound insights of behavioral science, cognitive science, industrial-organizational psychology, and performance optimization techniques. This multidisciplinary strategy is meticulously designed to navigate and master the complexities of modern life and work.

  • The NPS Strategy is a visionary synthesis that transcends traditional development methodologies. It embodies a holistic understanding of human potential, merging the intellectual, emotional, cognitive, and practical dimensions of performance. Recognizing the rapidly changing world where conventional approaches fall short, NPS offers an all-encompassing framework that aligns individual growth with organizational success.

  • Incorporating cognitive science into NPS adds a critical layer of understanding regarding how we process information, make decisions, and solve problems. Cognitive science explores the workings of the human mind, from basic neural processes to complex thought and behavior patterns. This inclusion allows NPS to offer strategies that optimize learning, memory, and cognitive flexibility, enhancing both individual and collective cognitive capabilities in various professional contexts.

  • Behavioral science is the cornerstone of NPS, providing insights into how individuals perceive, engage, and react within their environments. It offers a deeper understanding of motivations, decision-making processes, and behavior modification, essential for personal mastery and organizational efficiency.

  • The integration of industrial-organizational psychology in NPS focuses on optimizing workplace dynamics and maximizing organizational effectiveness. This facet of NPS is dedicated to fostering productive team dynamics, effective leadership, and a thriving organizational culture.

  • NPS harnesses advanced performance optimization techniques to ensure peak individual and organizational performance. These techniques are geared towards maximizing efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring every effort contributes meaningfully towards overarching goals.

  • The NPS Strategy is more than an adaptation to current challenges; it is a proactive preparation for the future. It signifies a commitment to ongoing learning and development, constant self-improvement, and a relentless quest for excellence. It acknowledges that adaptability and growth are indispensable in an ever-changing landscape.

    Throughout this site, we will explore each component of NPS in detail, demonstrating how it can be applied to unlock potential, stimulate growth, and secure enduring success. Welcome to the innovative realm of NeuroPerformance Synthesis, where the fusion of cognitive and behavioral sciences with performance strategies heralds a new era in personal and professional development.


  • Peak Talent Capital Solutions is a revolutionary alternative to the traditional "staffing" model. Ingenuity, intelligence, and insight drive talent acquisition and workforce solutions that make a dynamic difference for all those we serve. Let's get busy building tomorrow!

  • Utilizing Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Positive Psychology, we work to unlock the capacity to thrive for individuals, teams, or organizations through the evidence based sciences of emotional intelligence, mindset, well-being, resilience, and flourishing.

  • Talent-, goal-, mission-, or performance-focused, let's identify and resolve the issues that keep you stagnant or kill growth, give priority to engagement in tasks that provide you with sustainability, encourage expansion, and eliminate unnecessary risks. Let's get action plan-orientated and outcome-focused.

  • With an adaptive consultation style to meet your changing needs, communication preferences, state of business, and mission status we will enhance your life, career, or flow of business while freeing you to enjoy downtime. Coaching sessions involve mutual preparation and planning in advance, followed by business sessions via phone, Skype, internet, office, or your location.